Waking up in life is rare for most people…
because they believe their thinking.

They live life as a “re-action” to people and events instead of learning to respond. George Ivanovich Gurdjieff called it “letting the machine run you.” This allows them to be a victim of circumstances as opposed to being the master of their circumstances.

George Ivanovich Gurdjieff was a philosopher, mystic, and spiritual teacher who founded the spiritual movement known as the “Fourth Way.” He was born in the late 19th century, and his teachings focused on self-awareness, self-transformation, and achieving a higher state of consciousness.

Gurdjieff’s philosophy emphasized the idea that most people live their lives in a state of mechanical unconsciousness, and he proposed various methods and practices to help individuals awaken to a deeper level of awareness. These methods included meditation, self-observation, and the study of esoteric knowledge.

“The Work NYC” holds classes online based upon the work of Gurdjieff and many others, including the work Steve developed with his experience and that of his coaching clients, some for over 20 years.

Steve Lentini, also known as Stephen Lentini, is an accomplished coach and teacher, with a remarkable career spanning over 45 years in the area of self-observation. He has held diverse roles throughout his journey, showcasing his expertise and versatility.

As an author, Steve Lentini has shared his insights and wisdom through his written works. His books offer valuable perspectives on sales, leadership, and personal growth, reflecting his extensive experience and knowledge. He uses his PGBA*, which includes high-level strategies and systems, to help his clients leap to new heights professionally and personally.

*PGBA = Personal Growth, Behavior and Accountability

Through more than two decades of coaching and training, Steve has honed his strengths in helping people overcome obstacles that hinder their progress. His coaching philosophy centers around facilitating profound personal and professional growth, often surpassing individuals’ initial expectations. Steve’s ability to inspire transformation and guide individuals beyond their perceived limitations highlights his deep commitment to their success. In 2002, on November 18th, he had a near-death experience that changed his life forever. He had “met” through a synchronicity of events, Gurdjieff in the summer of 2000 and began self-observation, leading to his first book, “Wake up, Jump Into Your Life.”

His other titles include, “Sage Advice, Wisdom for Living from Throughout the Ages,” and out shortly, “In Plain Sight – Learn to See What Most People Miss and Embrace Life as it IS.”

If you have not found your calling and life seems to be aimless for you, or happiness is elusive, and frustration abounds, this work is for you.

You can sample it anytime, and Steve will gladly take a call to help you decide if “ the work” is for you. Not everyone who applies is accepted; many others would rather believe their stories about why their life isn’t working.

Classes are held regularly.


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